Saturday 16 February 2008

Squash Central - NYC


Squash Central - NYC E-mail Wednesday, 06 February 2008 Image If you’re one of the estimated 30,000 passengers who travel to and from Grand Central Station in NYC, or one of the overwhelming half a million people who pass through the terminal each day, chances are the only thing you’re focused on is catching the right train to take you to your destination. Recently, the Bear Sterns Tournament of Champions, the largest professional squash event in North America, was set up in one of the halls of Grand Central. The week-long event attracted 64 players and 4,500 spectators. The glass-enclosed court was surrounded on three sides with bleachers for paying fans, and a VIP lounge was set up on the other side of the hall. And although the train schedule most certainly stayed on track, we wonder how many of the passengers got distracted walking past the pop-up court, and missed their trains. By Andrew J Wiener

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Sam Kekovich says...

As he does every year, Sam has some no-holds-barred advice for all Austraaalians on Austraaaalia day (Jan 26).

Here is a link to his latest exhortation to reduce the population of certain creatures. and 'if your boss won't let you, chuck a week of sickies. What could be more Australian that that?'

We know it makes sense!

Links to to previous speeches by Sam are here.

Earlier post last year.

Friday 15 February 2008

Important Warning and Welcome Asuka II

Aren't you glad we have access to all the wisdom of the world via the internet? How else would I have got this warning, received recently:

I hate email hoax warnings, but this one is important!!!!

Please send this to everyone on your email list.

If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum.

This is a scam. He only wants to see your bum.

I wish I'd got this yesterday. I feel so cheap and dirty.

Forewarned is forearmed!

On another note, please welcome the good ship Asuka II, the third cruise liner I've seen berthed at the Overseas passenger Terminal at Circular Quay this week. The vessel belongs to the Japanese NYK line and replaces an older vessel called 'Asuka' as you will learn if you follow the link above.