Thursday 31 January 2008

Comin' Up Peaches

Here be pictures of the installation art installed today at Circular Quay, in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art.

No information is provided at the site but I am told this is Peaches or Peach Girl because she is ...

...made up of peaches!


Update: I find out now that this is a marketing excercise by the Ella Baché, a cosmetic company. Here's their spiel:
On the 1st of February Ella Baché will unveil "Ella" - to serve as a reminder to Australian women the importance of maintaining a healthy & balanced lifestyle.

A giant model inspired by Jolene Anderson from All Saints - with her healthy, glowing skin and active lifestyle; sculpted out of peaches will be on display at Sydney's Fleet Park, The Rocks. This 12 by 5 metre giant model will herald Ella Baché's mission to make a difference to Australian skin affected by lifestyle factors which leads to ageing and unhealthy skin. Utilising peaches - beautiful, fragile and like our skin need to be handled with care - the "Ella" model is a beacon, transmitting the message that Australian skin is neglected and is in need of some Ella Baché T.L.C!
As Charles Revson (of Revlon fame) is supposed to have said, "In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope".