Sunday 23 November 2008

The day they took Sydney away

Sydney being transported away on a giant ship

We all know about the might of the Asian economic giants and how China will become the largest economy in the world in 20 years. Well they might want to buy some ready-made city CBDs with their wealth. This is how they would do it- carefully load the City onto a giant cargo ship and sail away!

That, by the way, is a view of Sydney from Milson's point across the harbour.

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Thursday 6 November 2008

No mucking about...

No mucking about...
Originally uploaded by pahari

That's a sign in Delhi. But...wouldn't it make things worse to have an immoveable car in your space?

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Our local butcher...

Says it all...

Saturday 16 August 2008

Triumph of the bike!

I have a friend who rides a 500cc Royal Enfield Bullet on our periodic rides around Sydney. It is British racing green in colour and precisely the bike I would have bought had I been a more hands-on biker.

He lusts after a Triumph Bonneville- one of the classic British road bikes that started life in the 50's (production stopped 1983). It's made a comeback and is a very desirable bike among riders of a certain vintage.

The Jethro Tull song: Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll- Too Young to Die! goes:
He once owned a Harley Davidson and a Triumph Bonneville.
Counted his friends in burned out spark plugs
And prays that he always will.
But he's the last of the blue blood greaser boys
All of his mates are doing time
Married with three kids up by the ring road
Sold their souls straight down the line

Other bikes once made by Triumph are also making a comeback. Here is the new Scrambler:

More here.

Personally, I like their cruisers, especially the Speedmaster.

Thursday 26 June 2008

The House that Brian and Sally built

A very educative weekend was spent in Wollombi to learn about the science and art of building a mudbrick house. Brian and Sally, pictured here, started this house with friends as a communal house to be shared among them. The original community dispersed and went their own way (including Brian's wife at that time). Brian and Sally stuck on however, true to their principals of living sustainably with a small footprint and built this house over a few years, with their own labour.

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Friday 14 March 2008

World's Greatest Shave- the money shot!

Here are before and after photos for the fund raising effort for the Leukaemia Foundation. Thank you all of you who sponsored me- you know who you are. It will result in at least $1,000 going to the Foundation.

If you'd like to support the foundation at any time- you can always go here to make a donation.


...and after:

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Saturday 16 February 2008

Squash Central - NYC


Squash Central - NYC E-mail Wednesday, 06 February 2008 Image If you’re one of the estimated 30,000 passengers who travel to and from Grand Central Station in NYC, or one of the overwhelming half a million people who pass through the terminal each day, chances are the only thing you’re focused on is catching the right train to take you to your destination. Recently, the Bear Sterns Tournament of Champions, the largest professional squash event in North America, was set up in one of the halls of Grand Central. The week-long event attracted 64 players and 4,500 spectators. The glass-enclosed court was surrounded on three sides with bleachers for paying fans, and a VIP lounge was set up on the other side of the hall. And although the train schedule most certainly stayed on track, we wonder how many of the passengers got distracted walking past the pop-up court, and missed their trains. By Andrew J Wiener

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Sam Kekovich says...

As he does every year, Sam has some no-holds-barred advice for all Austraaalians on Austraaaalia day (Jan 26).

Here is a link to his latest exhortation to reduce the population of certain creatures. and 'if your boss won't let you, chuck a week of sickies. What could be more Australian that that?'

We know it makes sense!

Links to to previous speeches by Sam are here.

Earlier post last year.

Friday 15 February 2008

Important Warning and Welcome Asuka II

Aren't you glad we have access to all the wisdom of the world via the internet? How else would I have got this warning, received recently:

I hate email hoax warnings, but this one is important!!!!

Please send this to everyone on your email list.

If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum.

This is a scam. He only wants to see your bum.

I wish I'd got this yesterday. I feel so cheap and dirty.

Forewarned is forearmed!

On another note, please welcome the good ship Asuka II, the third cruise liner I've seen berthed at the Overseas passenger Terminal at Circular Quay this week. The vessel belongs to the Japanese NYK line and replaces an older vessel called 'Asuka' as you will learn if you follow the link above.

Thursday 31 January 2008

Comin' Up Peaches

Here be pictures of the installation art installed today at Circular Quay, in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art.

No information is provided at the site but I am told this is Peaches or Peach Girl because she is ...

...made up of peaches!


Update: I find out now that this is a marketing excercise by the Ella Baché, a cosmetic company. Here's their spiel:
On the 1st of February Ella Baché will unveil "Ella" - to serve as a reminder to Australian women the importance of maintaining a healthy & balanced lifestyle.

A giant model inspired by Jolene Anderson from All Saints - with her healthy, glowing skin and active lifestyle; sculpted out of peaches will be on display at Sydney's Fleet Park, The Rocks. This 12 by 5 metre giant model will herald Ella Baché's mission to make a difference to Australian skin affected by lifestyle factors which leads to ageing and unhealthy skin. Utilising peaches - beautiful, fragile and like our skin need to be handled with care - the "Ella" model is a beacon, transmitting the message that Australian skin is neglected and is in need of some Ella Baché T.L.C!
As Charles Revson (of Revlon fame) is supposed to have said, "In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope".